Lorenzo Quinn

Lorenzo Quinn (Rome, 1966) is the son of the Mexican American actor Anthony Quinn and Iolanda Quinn. He started out as a painter in 1982, training at the American Academy of Fine Arts in New York. Quinn was attracted to acting where he interpreted roles such as Antonio Stradivari as the young violin maker with his father Anthony Quinn playing the elder. Quinn, having started painting, had always been an admirer of the surrealist artist Salvador Dalí and in 1991 he interpreted the Spanish artist on the big screen, alongside English actress Sarah Douglas portraying his wife Gala. Quinn achieved the best new actor award at the Biarritz Film Festival. However, it was by working in this role that Quinn decided his own career needed a change of direction and so he phased out acting to dedicate himself mainly to visual arts. Since then, his artistic path has developed mainly in figurative sculpture, with large works of positive and emotional impact, often positioned in public sites.

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La Historia Perfecta

cm 54 x 46 (21" x 18")
Bronzo, anno 2004, edizione di 9
Bronze, Year 2004, Edition of 9
54x46x54 cm

"I sogni sono dei grandi alleati"

"Dreams are great allies."

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