Lorenzo Quinn

Lorenzo Quinn (Rome, 1966) is the son of the Mexican American actor Anthony Quinn and Iolanda Quinn. He started out as a painter in 1982, training at the American Academy of Fine Arts in New York. Quinn was attracted to acting where he interpreted roles such as Antonio Stradivari as the young violin maker with his father Anthony Quinn playing the elder. Quinn, having started painting, had always been an admirer of the surrealist artist Salvador Dalí and in 1991 he interpreted the Spanish artist on the big screen, alongside English actress Sarah Douglas portraying his wife Gala. Quinn achieved the best new actor award at the Biarritz Film Festival. However, it was by working in this role that Quinn decided his own career needed a change of direction and so he phased out acting to dedicate himself mainly to visual arts. Since then, his artistic path has developed mainly in figurative sculpture, with large works of positive and emotional impact, often positioned in public sites.

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La Creacion

cm 105 x 60 (41" x 24")
Bronzo e ferro, Edizione di 16
Bronze and Iron, Edition of 16
105x60x60 cm

"Credo in Dio, ma soprattutto credo che la cosa importante sia avere la coscienza pulita. Lungi dall’essere perfetto, l’uomo fu creato per essere perfetto. Mi sono sempre sorpreso nel vedere come le culture antiche, ad esempio quella egizia, erano capaci di creare forme così perfette come le piramidi, e come la stessa natura ha creato forme così semplici come quella di un uovo. Tutto ciò m’insegna che l’uomo e la natura potrebbero stare in perfetta simbiosi. Noi non costituiamo il livello superiore della creazione, piuttosto siamo una parte di una meravigliosa catena omogenea, la catena della vita. Artisti come Michelangelo e Salvador Dalí, raffigurarono molto bene la creazione dell’essere perfetto e della sua vicinanza alla Divinità. Questa scultura è un tributo a questi due grandi artisti, essenzialmente a Dalí, a chi devo la mia iniziazione nel mondo artistico e in memoria del giorno della sua nascita, un secolo fa."

"I believe in God but above all I believe in having a clear conscience. While far from perfect, man has been created to be perfect. It has always amazed me to see how ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians, were able to create the perfect forms of the pyramids and how nature itself has created such perfect forms as the simple shape of an egg. This shows me that man and nature could be in perfect symbiosis. We do not constitute the higher ring of creation, we are instead simply part of a wonderful homogeneous chain, the chain of life. Artists such as Michelangelo and Salvador Dalí, have successfully represented the creation of the perfect being and its closeness to divinity. This sculpture is my tribute to the two great masters, specially to Dalí, to whom I owe my initiation in the art world and in memoriam to his birth one century ago."

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