Marcello Morandini

Marcello Morandini (1940) after his beginnings as graphic designer with Umberto Eco for Bompiani publishing, devoted himself to design and artistic research. In 1965 he participated in the San Paulo Biennal (introduced by Dorfles), and in 1968 he exhibited at the Biennale di Venezia in a personal hall. Internationally appreciated, he is invited to work on projecting buildings, sculptures and important collections. His research is about the visual representation of movement, seen as a subject independent from representational themes, according to the Futurist vision. Studying the different kinds of movement (torsion, tension, expansion, overlapping) he produces graphic and plastic works, in two or three dimensions as well, always in white or black and white. Whether it is graphic, or sculpture, or architecture and design, Morandini's style is coherent and unique, giving even to everyday's life needs an aesthetic and artistic dimension. The tribute by Giudecca 795 begins with the chess set - the last available of a limited series - and continues with sculptures and multiples in plexiglass.

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ScacchieraScultura 481-2005Scultura 482-2005
Progetto Scacchiera

pages: 1